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Zhang Weidong
2024-09-26 16:32  

Zhang Weidong, male, born in 1979 in Harbin, received his PhD in Literature from Renmin University of China. He is currently a professor and master’s supervisor at the School of Humanities and Communication, Ningbo University. Zhang has been awarded the Second Prize of the 4th Beijing Literary Network International Poetry Award, the Unnamed Poetry Award of Peking University, the Liu Lian'an Poetry Award, the Hu Shi's First Poetry Collection Award, and the Third Nanhai Literary Award. His published works include monographs such as "Li Zehou and the 'Rewriting' of Modern Literary History" (2012) and "Historical Poetics in the Mirror of Rhetoric: The Historical Consciousness of Contemporary Poetry Since 1990" (2017), as well as a poetry collection titled "City Without a Cemetery" (2015). He also edited "Centenary Anthology of Chinese Modern Poetry (Volume 29)" (2013). Zhang has presided over one national social science fund project, two provincial social science federation projects, and one provincial education department project. His research focuses on the history of Chinese modern poetry and poetic theory, with specialties in historical poetics, media poetics, and the sociology of poetry.

